Effect of the intercropping on growth and productivity of Balady Orange trees in Upper Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center A.R.C., 12511 Giza, Egypt


This field trial was carried out during three successive seasons 2018,2019 and 2020. On 12 years old of Balady orange trees. To evaluate the effect of intercropped orange trees by Pea, Pumpkin, Egyptian Clover plants on growth and productivity under Assiut conditions. The experiment was set up in a complete randomized block design. The results indicated that Pea intercropping significantly increased in physical properties in fruit such as weight, size, Juice volume and weight, carbohydrate and nitrogen percentage in leaves. followed by Pumpkin, then Clover, respectively. On the other hand, the highest values of soluble solids (T.S.S.) were obtained with the Pea, and Clover treatment, but acidity level decreased. Pumpkin covering treatment gave a slight increase in vitamin C. But highest values of the total crop were with the Pea treatment and covering with Pumpkin. According to the results the lowest amount of yield, fruit physical and chemicals was observed in control treated. These results showed that growing Balady orange trees with Pea intercropping and covering with Pumpkin is recommended over any other such as Egyptian clover, during three studied seasons.


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