Analysis of Sorghum Production Costs in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 12511 Giza, Egypt


Sorghum is an important crop in Egypt. This study analyzes the costs of sorghum production in Egypt during the time period 2000-2019. The study employed the Cobb-Douglas production function to show the relationship between sorghum production and the production inputs costs. During 2000-2019, the mean of sorghum production is 821.92 thousand ton and the mean of sorghum area is 151.30 thousand hectares. In 2019, the highest production and the largest area at Fayoum governorate, while the lowest production and the lowest area at Giza governorate. The insecticides have the minimum value (26.02 L.E./Feddan) for the mean of production inputs costs, while the labor wages have the maximum value (833.99 L.E./Feddan) for the mean of production inputs costs. The study results indicate that labor wages and seeds cost are significant at the level of 5%. The study recommends improve the skills and training of labor.


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