Response of lowland rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) var. NSIC Rc216 to the application of paclobutrazol grown in acidic and alkaline soils

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Agronomy, Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, 6521 Leyte, Philippines.

2 Department of Agricultural Extension, Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, 6521 Leyte, Philippines


This study sought to assess the effect of paclobutrazol on the performance of lowland rice when grown in acidic and alkaline soils. Determine the soil type that can produce maximum productivity, and evaluate the profitability of growing lowland rice to the paclobutrazol application under acidic and alkaline soils. The experiment was set out in a split plot organized in RCBD with soil types (ideal, acidic, and alkaline) as the main plot while the time of paclobutrazol is the subplot. The time of paclobutrazol application is indicated as follows: S1 – control, S2 – at the vegetative stage, S3 – at the heading stage, and S4 – in both vegetative at heading stages. Statistical analysis revealed that regardless of the time of paclobutrazol application in lowland rice ideal soil showed a significant influence in most agronomic and yield and yield component parameters, and achieve the highest gross income (PHP 143,820.00) and gross margin of PHP 100,368.72. The application of paclobutrazol at heading (S3) shows a significant outcome on the number of nodal roots plant-1 (411.11) and obtained the highest gross income comparing other subplot treatments. A remarkable effect on leaf area index (2.27), fresh straw yield (8.37 t ha-1), and root length (41.53 cm) were obtained in S3 plants and had a higher grain yield of 3.77 t ha-1. Paclobutrazol is advisable in lowland rice regardless of the time of application under ideal soil to effect higher productivity. This can promote the development of panicles when applied under acidic soil.


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