Response of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) to the combined application of pulverized wood charcoal and inorganic fertilizer under upland acid soil

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agronomy, Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, 6521 Leyte, Philippines


This study aimed to evaluate the performance of sweet potatoes to the combined application of pulverized wood charcoal (PWC) and inorganic fertilizer under acidic soil. To determine the appropriate fertilizer combination that can provide optimum productivity under acidic conditions, and assess the gross income of sweet potato production to the combined application of PWC and inorganic fertilizer under upland acid soil. An experiment was set out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with the following treatments: - No fertilizer application (control), - 45-45-45 kg  NPK, -  PWC only, - 2.  PWC + 45-45-45  NPK, - 2.  PWC + 45-35-35  NPK, - 2.  PWC + 25-25-25  NPK, - 2.  PWC + 25-15-15  NPK. Sweet potato plants applied with inorganic fertilizers at the rate of 45-45-45 kg ha-1 NPK (T1) achieved the longest main vine, broader LAI, and heaviest fresh herbage under upland acid soil but failed to produce high marketable root yield. The application of 2.5 t ha-1 PWC combined with 45-35-35 kg ha-1 NPK inorganic fertilizer (T4) enhanced the marketable root yield (2.22 t ha-1) of the sweet potato and gained the highest gross income (USD 1,776.00) compared to the other fertilizer combinations. Thereby, integrated nutrient management is an effective approach for sustainable and cost-effective management of sweet potato cultivation in acidic soil resulting in increasing soil fertility and productivity by contributing no negative effects on the environment.


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