Effect of intercropping systems on yield and its component in onion / faba bean crops .

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Vegetables, Faculty Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

2 Department of Agricultural Economics , Faculty of Agriculture Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt


The current investigation was conducted during 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2019/2020 seasons to study the effect of intercropping faba bean (main crop) –onion (secondary crop) on the yield and yield components and nutrient uptake. The experiment design was a randomized complete blocks with three replicates. The experiment included 11 treatments of cropping system (sole faba bean, sole onion, 1faba bean:1 onion, 1faba bean:2onion , 1faba bean:3onion, 2faba bean:1onion, 2faba bean:2onion, 2faba bean:3onion, 3faba bean:1onion, 3faba bean:2onion and 3faba bean:3onion). Results reported that 1faba bean :3onion was not significantly different as compred with sole onion and recorded the highest value of vegetative parameters; plant height (cm), leaf number, bulb diameter (cm) and plant fresh weight (g). Same trend was observed for yield and yield components, and nutrient uptake compared to other intercropping systems. However, regarding to faba bean vegetative characters, 3faba bean :1onion gave the greatest value with no significant difference comparing with sole faba bean and other intercropping systems treatments. Similar trend turned into discovered for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake. Among all intercropping and sole faba bean treatments, 3faba bean:1onion recorded significant increase in total yield of faba bean with an increase percentage 13.51%, 16.55% and 13.84% during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd seasons ,respectively. the intercropping system of 3faba bean:1onion or 1faba bean : 3onion could be againful model to obtain the greatest use efficiency of land and irrigation water.


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