Application of zinc oxide nanoparticles as feed additive in broiler chicken nutrition under hot environmental conditions

Document Type : Original Article


Animal and Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley University, 83523 Qena, Egypt


Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize in poultry industry with new tools for the enhancing the ability of poultry to absorb nutrients and therefore improving growth performance, nutrient digestibility and productive performance of poultry. The essential trace elements play important roles such as nutrients metabolism, antimicrobial, antioxidant, component of numerous metalloenzymes and protein. Numerous studies have already confirmed the effects of zinc sources at lower and higher doses on productive performance of broiler chickens. Most of these studies showed slight positive effects, however significant results were rare. Since there are almost unlimited possibilities concerning levels and sources of zinc there is still more research needed. Using zinc as nanoparticles size can be used at lower doses and can provide better result than the conventional zinc sources. Nanoparticles Zinc oxide can act as antibacterial agent, modulates the immunity and production of broilers. Using of Nanoparticles Zinc oxide in broiler nutrition may support and improve the broiler production. Nevertheless, there is still further studies under more standardized conditions needed to evaluate the optimum dosage as well as the exact mode of action of Nanoparticles Zinc oxide. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to give an overview on the potential of nanoparticles of zinc oxide as feed additives in broiler diets, in order to evaluate the optimum dosage and observe their influence on feed intake, growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass criteria, and physiological responses.


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