Characterization and classification of soils on grazing lands in Kwallatawa village, Sokoto State, Nigeria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. PMB 2346. Sokoto state.

2 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa state. Nigeria

3 Department of Animal and Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley University, Qena 83523, Egypt

4 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University Dutsinma, Katsina State

5 Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China.

6 Department of Chemistry, Zamfara State College of Education, Maru, Zamfara State.

7 Department of Agricultural Science, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto

8 Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Zamfara State Office, Nigeria.

9 Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria.


Continuous extensive land use without proper land management has the potential to degrade the inherent soil fertility. Kwallatawa grazing lands are experiencing such exploitation which if not properly addressed, can dwindled their potentials. To address this, characterization and classification of the soils were carried out at reconnaissance level to assess the properties of the grazing soils. Two pedons were dug and described following FAO (2006) guidelines. The results show that pedons Gra P1 and P2 had shallow to slightly deep genetic horizons. They also show discernible colour pattern at both topsoil and subsoil layers. The pedons were sandy in texture with moderate bulk density (1.4 g Bd cm-3) and low (<50%) to high (>50%) porosity at surface and subsurface horizons respectively. Similarly, the soils were moderately acidic (5.81 mean), low in organic carbon (2.3 g C/kg mean), CEC (5.37 cmol+ CEC/kgmean) as well as high in total nitrogen (1.14 g N kg-1 mean), exchangeable sodium (>0.5 cmol+ Na kg-1) and percent base saturation (>80%). The Pedons Gra-P1 and P2 were respectively classified following USDA Soil Taxonomy as Typic Ustipsamments and Lithic Ustipsamments, and then subsequently correlated with WRB for Soils Classification as Eutric Arenosols (Arenic) and Plinthic Arenosols (Arenic). Our results revealed the soils to be acidic and fall within low to medium fertility class, as such liming and incorporation of organic residue were recommended to checkmate their deficiencies. 


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