Organic tuber potato production by aerobic compost tea, beneficial microbes, chicken manure and plant compost

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Botany, Organic Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Damietta University, Egypt

2 Plant Production Department - Vegetable Faculty of Agriculture, Saba Basha, Alexandria University, Egypt


Two field experiments were conducted at Agricultural Faculty (Saba-Basha) Alexandria University, in order to study the effect of Aerobic Compost tea (ACT), Beneficial microbes (BM), Chicken manure (CHM) and plant compost (PC) on yield and quality of potato (cv. Bamba). This study was carried out with randomized complete block design with three replicates. Efficiency of twelve treatments on yield and nutrient contents of shoots and tubers were determined. Results shown that (the mixture of CHM. and PC) with ACT or BM only or together them lead to significant increases of vegetative characters and nutritional status in leaves and tubers. Controlled plant gave the lowest mean values of the given characters. Treatments contained ACT, BM., PC and CHM significantly increased in all morphological characteristics and qualities of tuber potato. The mixture of CHM. and PC with ACT or BM only were caused the significantly increases in mineral contents, sugar, starch and T.S.S. % of tubers compared with controlled plant (T12). The highest values of total yield were achieved by (the mixture of BM + 75% CHM. + 25% PC=T5) compared to T12. The use of T5 was also increased mean values of the No. of tubers/plant and tuber weight significantly compared to T12. This study demonstrated that ACT, BM., CHM and PC utilization to stimulate naturally occurring populations, organic potato production development and prevent the environmental pollution.


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